24 June 2011


Last night I got home from work and despite being shattered I decided it would be an excellent idea to bake something. It turned out to be a brilliant idea! Baking can be therapeutic, relaxing and at the end of it you usually have something tasty and sugary to eat. Win, win, win and win. 

I used the Mary Berry, My Kitchen Table book. Mary Berry is a bit of a baking legend, ask your mum, and your grandma, and all her mates down the W.I., seriously, she's the Lady Gaga of baked goods. 

I would love to say that my baking turned out beautifully, it didn't. I'm terrible at deciding it may be a sensible, viable idea to deviate from the recipe. It isn't. Recipes are written for a reason. They include measurements for a reason. Follow them. 

I did alright I suppose, I tried to substitute white self-raising flour for wholemeal self-raising flour. A tiny, insignificant adaptation you might think (I did). Well, no, it basically means you end up with flat, crumbly scones. Not ideal. 

The scones I ended up with were not so easy on the eyes/mouth/stomach and they demanded a massive amount of time and patience if you wanted them buttered/jammed/clotted creamed. But they tasted AMAZING! 

The moral of the story therefore; 
Take the advice of the experts (they're almost certainly more knowledgeable  than you are)
Read the recipe properly, follow it to the letter. 
Enjoy the results.
Take all uneaten baked goods to work and revel in the compliments your workmates will bestow upon you - people will love you FOREVER in return for something sugary, home-baked and bad for them!



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