1 June 2011

Bits and Blogs. Part 2.

Happy June!

To continue the riot that was my blog post yesterday I thought I'd restrict this one to what went on today. It's not alphabetical I'm afraid. Gutted. So:

I wore this to work. 

Phone to mirror photos... I spoil you with my effort. But wait, it gets better. 

Oh hello OVEREXPOSURE (and not in a good way)

 I actually like it and I only have one eye, much like a pirate. Pass the rum. 

Dress (worn as skirt): Primark
Sunglasses+Belt+Top: H&M
Shoes: Accessorize

Pre-work morning face. 
So frightening it's dangerous to look directly into my eyes, hence the sunglasses.

Here's the lowdown on my accessories. 
I'm reluctantly practical. I cycle to work so a rucksack is a must - I could struggle with a nice looking bag (I've tried and failed spectacularly) but I feel cycling to work in the first place is enough torture, I don't need bag-choke-hold/slippage/strap-in-wheel-spoke to contend with too.

 I've recently got an iPhone (I won't gush like an annoying iPhone nob but I am blissfully in love, swoon) and I've been looking for a case. I've not found my perfect one yet (I have but it's too expensive. If anyone has cash just lying around to spare then please buy me this one? Pretty please?) so in the meantime I've bought a cheap one from John Lewis (£3.50!) and I've dotted it with glittery nail varnish. Yes it's sort of pre-teen chic but I like it... my housemate's reaction was a loud guffaw. Oh dear. 

Lastly, as Fearne Cotton has been tweeting about how amazing the Fleet Foxes gig was she's just been to and I'm currently well jeal' here's some pretty music to soothe the intense envy rage. Sigh.

If you fancy real-time blithering nonsense you can follow me on twitter here


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