7 May 2011

Tell me about it, stud

Had a really chilled out day today. Spent most of it lolling around like a slug listening to some music. I'm absolutely in love with 8tracks - didn't understand it at first but I'm a little bit addicted now. Basically the idea is to upload a playlist of 8 songs or more, you can listen to others' playlists by searching by artist, you can't see what's in the playlist until the songs are played. It's a great way to find new music and it's completely free, which is delightful. So go forth pre, listen to stuff. 

I've also done myself a bit of DIY, don't worry I haven't been putting up shelves or anything - the idea of me wielding power tools is slightly terrifying - I've been studding stuff. I was inspired by an idea posted by A Pair and a Spare (super amezzin fashion D.I.Y blog). I ordered some gunmetal grey studs from eBay and used an old denim shirt from Primark - just in case it all went horribly wrong, I wasn't about to attempt it on anything expensive knowing my haphazard handiwork!

I've attempted to do a mini photo tutorial of it but it was so easy to do that the photos aren't really necessary. Basically the process was, get shirt, get stud, shove spikes of stud through shirt, try not to shove spike into fingertip. There. Done.  

Step 1: Buy studs, open plastic bag.

Step 2: Pick up stud with fingers.

Step 3: Shove them through shirt material in something resembling a pattern.

Try to make it look like you planned it and not that you couldn't be bothered to make a plan so you started and didn't quite know what you were doing and this just happens to be how it turned out. That's not what I did, honest. 

Ta da! 

Step 3: Smile smugly for the camera. The expression was intentional, I'm supposed to look slightly deranged.

Look how proud I am of myself. Yay.

All in all a good Saturday. I might even leave the house tomorrow. If I'm feeling crazy. 


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