26 January 2011

inspire me wednesday


Ok, I've decided my blog is somewhat structure impaired, sooo...
here's introducing my first featurette - I say featurette as I just can't promise that I will:

a) remember which day it is supposed 
to be featured (*WEDNESDAY* feature fans)

b)have time to prepare/post it (I might have found
friends in a pub/have fallen down a large hole)

or c) I might run out of inspiration (this is almost definitely 
not going to happen but I like to cover all my bases)

I'm distracting myself with excuses before I've even begun! The new feature is basically a round up of outfits that inspire me, starting one beautiful lady at a time. In a previous post [here] I included inspirationally snazzy dressers Ashley Olsen and Alexa Chung - they're two of my favourites, but there are soooo many more.

I think it's nice to pick and choose aspects of people's style and incorporate that into your own, rather than copying directly. (That never actually works - especially when the inspiring lady in question has a couple more pennies bank vaults full of gold to spare than you do).

To start off I've chosen Michelle Williams. Because she's lovely and I would like her hair please. Oh and also she's quite talented - I haven't seen Blue Valentine yet but I will, and I'll let you know what I thought. I'm willing to bet I'll love it!

Style-wise she's a fan of quite classic shapes and colours, nothing overly garish or tight and sexy. Muted tones, pastels, block brights, floral prints, tea dresses, vintage, brogues, trilbys. I just wish I could mooch around LA looking like she does instead of huddling under blankets clutching a hot water bottle to my frozen toes in England!

Here are a few photos I found to show you what I mean (click on them for the links): 

  Gorgeous editorial in Elle
I would do bad things to get my hands, or feet I suppose, on those wedges.

She was nominated for an Oscar earlier this week too, I wish she and Natalie Portman could share... I'm so not good with competition!

So this is hopefully going to be a regular thing, let me know if there's anyone who you think deserves a mention, whether it be a actress/singer/blogger/writer/icon etc.

Love Jen x

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