13 December 2010

like a goldfish

 Thought I'd try out a knitty turband - I actually love it, but because I'd just washed my hair it makes a little pouff on the top of my head; I can't stop it so I've decided to embrace it!

It's just going to be one of those days today, you know when you can just tell?! I couldn't sleep much last night and have woken up in the worst mood this morning. I'm not too good at being grumpy, but I'm just feeling introverted today boo :-( also, as a total blonde at heart I was mightily disappointed that I could borrow my housemate's dry shampoo made for brunettes without it showing up! Somebody buy me some highlights for Christmas please, cheers Santa.

Jumper - Topshop, Skirt - H&M, Shirt - Primark, Butterfly necklace - Present from my bestest friend years ago

These are some photos I took the other day (decided to edit out my head... it's for the best, trust me). I really like the shirt which I managed to find in Primark for £2 - I've never even considered looking at the sale rail in Primark before, I just assumed that it would be all the horrendous stuff that nobody wants, but for some reason sometimes they have quite decent stuff and it's generally only £1 or £2! Because of the temperature obviously needed to wear a jumper but I actually really like the buttoned up shirt/jumper look anyway I just wouldn't choose this jumper if I could help it - I'd prefer a grey crew neck in a slightly thicker knit, but I've been looking everywhere for one and apparently no shop wants to provide it for me! Also this jumper is quite clingy and the shirt's too big, so there were material bulge problems. Totally attractive.

Snow looks so much prettier when the sky is this blue - still totally bored of having to ice-skate down my street though. Please just melt now!